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World's Loneliest Elephant: Based on the True Story of Kaavan and His Rescue

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Product Details

A heartwarming true story about Kaavan the elephant, his unlikely bond with singer and activist Cher, his rescue by veterinarian and animal rights crusader Dr. Amir Khalil, and relocation to the Cambodia Wildlife Sanctuary.

Kaavan grew up in captivity in a Pakistani zoo. For years, he lived in poor conditions with only one friend, an elephant named Saheli. After Saheli died, Kaavan was overcome by grief and his health worsened. When animal rights activists around the world were alerted to Kaavan’s deteriorating condition, Dr. Amir Khalil visited the elephant to see what could be done.

Thanks to the virality of Kaavan’s story—and with the publicity and fundraising efforts of pop culture icon Cher—Dr. Khalil was able to orchestrate moving Kaavan to the Cambodia Wildlife Sanctuary, where he now lives with other elephants. Because of the care and help of so many, Kaavan is no longer the world’s loneliest elephant. And that is the best news of all.

World's Loneliest Elephant: Based on the True Story of Kaavan and His Rescue



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