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Infectious, Pathogens & How We Fight Them

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Product Details
Not just you, but your children and everyone you have ever met and everyone they have ever met; in fact, everyone. It wants you to cough and sneeze and poop yourself into an early grave. It wants your blood vessels to burst and pustules to explode all over your body. And – until recently – it was really good at doing this…

The subject of infection and how to fight it grows more urgent every day. How do pathogens cause disease? And what tools can we give our bodies to do battle? Infectious is not only a vital overview of what goes awry in our bodies, but also a hopeful story of ongoing human ingenuity.
Infectious, Pathogens & How We Fight Them



Open Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 10am to 5pm

APRIL-DECEMBER: Open daily 10am to 5pm

(Sunday Noon to 4 pm)

Our space has four large air filters to ensure

healthy air flow.  Private appointments are available for immunocompromised.  Just ask!


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206 A Street

McGregor, Iowa 52157



(563) 500-1994

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