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Anxious: A Choose Your Own Attitude Book

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Product Details

There are many things in life that cannot be controlled. In fact, we cannot decide much of what happens to us. But what we can decide is how we react to what happens to us. That is where the Bubble and Slug Choose Your Own Attitude books can help. Learning which thoughts lead to good outcomes is powerful, but it starts by learning that we do get to choose those thoughts.

Anxious guides readers through some examples of times when readers may deal with anxiety and show just how Bubble and Slug guide each protagonist through their dilemmas. Each scenario asks the reader to choose between Bubble and Slug and ultimately determine how each story ends. Using techniques author Gail Hayes has developed through her work as a counselor, Anxious gives the reader a chance to explore the choices we make daily and learn about their impact.

Learning which thoughts and actions lead to happier feelings helps us understand that we can choose our own attitude. Understanding that power to choose is a gift. In Anxious, these choices are contrasted between Bubble Thinking and Slug Thinking. Readers are encouraged to see that Bubble Thinking offers a self-driven approach to happier living.

Anxious: A Choose Your Own Attitude Book



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